Mountains Manchester rivals its neighbour Trelawny for the title of Jamaica’s most mountainous parish. The three main ranges running throughout the parish are the Carpenters Mountains, the May Day Mountains and the Don Figuero Mountains. Of the three ranges the Carpenters Mountains is the highest, reaching as far as 2, 770 feet above sea level. […]
Profiles: Manchester
“An unfrequented wilderness” is how historian James Bridges described Manchester in the 1700’s. Bridges would hardly recognise the quiet rural parish now. It is the hub of central Jamaica and many of its towns are thriving commercial and social centres. Location Located in south-central Jamaica, Manchester covers a total area of 320.5 square miles or […]
The parish of Manchester will be the location for a study on renewable energy strategy, through of a Wind Mapping study. This study is being undertaken by Wigton Wind Farm Limited, an agency of the Ministry of Energy and Mining, through the PCJ. Wind mapping will determine the wind blowing patterns across the island. It […]