Ferry Inn Established on April 17, 1864 under, “An act for the ferry between St. Catherine and St. Andrew”, the Ferry Inn was first built as “a tavern or victualling-house near the Ferry. It became the most important posting house in the island and was especially popular with the wealthy. The lower floor of the […]
Profiles: St. Catherine
Location On the southern coast of Jamaica to west of St. Andrew, east of Clarendon and south of St. Mary and St. Ann. Political Divisions South-East East- Central South North- West South- West Central West- Central North- East South- Central Area 1192.4 sq. km. (460.4 sq. miles) Population Size 499,600 (ESSJ 2010 figure) Housing Housing […]
St Catherine is bordered by St. Andrew in the east, Clarendon in the west, and by St. Mary and St. Ann in the north. It is ranked as Jamaica’s third largest parish with an area of 1,197.2 sq km, smaller only than St. Ann and St. Mary. It is one of the most highly populated […]