Portland was named for the Duke of Portland who was a Governor of Jamaica between 1722 and 1726. Portland is a combination of the parish of St. George and a part of St. Thomas. At one time Port Antonio was renamed Titchfield, but since the old name continued to be used the new one was […]
Profiles: Portland
The Blue Mountain Range consists of layers of metamorphic and igneous rocks, which contain iron ore deposits. The rocks in the Rio Grande Valley carry some copper deposits, while in the Marshall Hall area, high-grade manganese ore may be found. Elevations Blue Mountain has the highest peak in the island. The walk up is a […]
Portland is the most northeasterly parish in Jamaica. Bounded on the north and northeast by the Caribbean Sea, on the west by St. Mary and on the south by St. Thomas. The parish covers 89.86km of the island’s total coastal area while its maximum width is approximately 20.8km. Portland’s coastline stretches from Hectors River in […]